Medan | METRO ONE NEWS – Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah Ikatan Media Online (IMO) Provinsi Sumatera Utara masa bhakti 2023-2028 yang komandoi HA. Nuar Erde, Kamis 07 Desember 2023 resmi dilantik Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Media Online Indonesia (DPP IMO) Yakub Ismail, S.E,. M.M di di Aula Raja Inal Siregar, Kantor Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Jalan P. Diponegoro No.30 Medan,
Dalam sambutan dan arahannya Ketua Umum DPP IMO Indonesia, Yakub Ismail meminta jurnalis yang tergabung di DPW IMO Sumut tetap solid, dan bersinergis dengan pemerintah, termasuk Pemprovsu, serta ikut menyukseskan pemilihan umum (Pemilu) tahun 2024.
“Kita menaruh harapan besar kepada insan media, termasuk DPW IMO Sumut dan seluruh jajaran untuk solid, bersinergis, terutama untuk ikut mensukseskan Pemilu tahun 2024,” kata Yakub Ismail.
Lebih lanjut Yakub menambahkan, peran serta dari seluruh kalangan media semakin dibutuhkan menghadapi tantangan zaman yang semakin terbuka dan teknologi yang canggih.
Sejak dideklarasikan tanggal 27 Oktober 2017 di Jakarta, IMO telah memperluas kiprah ikatan ini ke provinsi, kabupaten, dan kota untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan itu.
“Termasuk DPW IMO Sumut yang saya lantik harus bergerak cepat melakukan langkah memperkuat kemampuan, berupa sumber daya manusia, sinergitas dan berkordinasi, lebih-lebih kita akan menghadapi tahun politik, yakni Pemilu 2024,” kata Yakub.
Sementara itu, Pj Gubsu Hassanudin dalam sambutan yang dibacakan Kadis Kominfo Ilyas Sitorus mengapresiasi kehadiran dan pelantikan DPW IMO Sumut.
Pj Gubsu berharap pers semakin dewasa menghadapi dinamika dan perubahan yang terjadi, dan terus memberikan pemikiran yang konstruktif untuk bersama mengawasi, dan mengkritisi jalannya pembangunan di provinsi ini.
“Kita juga berharap insan pers ikut berperan aktif menyukseskan pemilu dengan melakukan kontrol sosial, terutama menangkal berita-berita miring atau hoax,” kata Ilyas.
HA Nuar Erde selaku Ketua DPW IMO Indonesia Sumut terpilih dalam sambutan berjanji akan menyikapi keinginan untuk ikut menyukseskan pemilu agar berjalan jujur, adil, transparan.
“Pelantikan ini merupakan tindak lanjut atas terpilihnya saya sebagai Ketua Ikatan Media Online (IMO) Indonesia Sumatera Utara (Sumut) secara aklamasi dalam Musyawarah Wilayah ke II yang digelar di Hotel Madani, Jalan Sisingamangaraja Medan, Rabu (30/08/23) lalu,” ungkap Nuar.
Kemudian lanjutnya, sebanyak 5 orang tim formatur langsung ditunjuk untuk penyusunan pengurus periode 2023-2028.
“Sebagai Ketua terpilih, saya langsung membentuk Tim Formatur bersama Harun Alrasyid, Fajar Trihatya, Yuni Piliang dan Safrul Daulay,” paparnya.
“DPW IWO Sumut sebagai wadah tempat berhimpunnya para jurnalis, kedepan saya berharap organisasi ini bisa melahirkan insan jurnalis yang profesional,” harap A. Nuar Erde yang juga pemimpin umum dan pemimpin redaksi
Acara prosesi pelantikan diawali dengan Pembacaan Surat Keputusan DPP IMO Indonesia, dilanjutkan penandatanganan Naskah Pelantikan oleh Ketua DPP IMO Sumut dan penyerahan Pataka IMO Indonesia oleh Ketua Umum DPP IMO kepada Ketua DPW IMO Sumut. Acara diakhiri dengan ucapan selamat, doa dan hiburan.
Hadir dalam acara itu, Pj Gubsu diwakili Kepala Dinas kominfo Sumut Ilyas Sitorus, dan jajaran, Dirut Perumda Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi, mewakili kedatukan, tokoh masyarakat yang juga pengusaha media Handoko, dan Ketua STIK-P Medan, yang juga Ketua MPO MPW Pemuda Pancasila Sumut DR H Sakhyan Asmara MSP.
Berikut Susunan Kepengurusan Masa Bakti 2023-2028, Ketua H. A. Nuar Erde (, Wakil Ketua Drs. Harun Al Rasyid (, Wakil Ketua Amir Syam, SPdI (, Wakil Ketua Roy Syamsul Gultom (, Wakil Ketua Herlan Panggabean,SH (, Wakil Ketua Ratno Maretno, SH, MM. (, Wakil Ketua : H. Harist Lubis, SE (
Kemudian Sekretaris Fajar Trihatya, SE. (Metroekspress,com), Wakil Sekretaris Muhammad Isya, SSos, Mikom (, Wakil Sekretaris Andi Saprin Purba,S.Sos. (, Wakil Sekretaris Firman Kurniawan (, Wakil Sekretaris Sabahudin Daulay, SE, SH, MH. (, Wakil Sekretaris : M. Yamin, MAP (, Wakil Sekretaris Relikhius Harefa Bsc (
Bendahara Yuni Delfiani Piliang, Amd, SH. (, Wakil Bendahara Jasrial Husin (, Wakil Bendahara Erniyati Piliang, SE (
Selanjut biro-biro adalah, Hukum dan Advokasi: Tuah Armadi Tarigan (Opungnews,com), Drs. Alisandre Gulo (, Supardi (, Saiful Bahri (Kabarberanda,com)
Biro Pengembangan Usaha: Rusli,SE (, Sri Sundari (, Alpindo (, Bambang Sugiarto, ST (
Biro Pendataan dan Verifikasi: Sarwo Edi (, Irpansyah (, Sotarduga Simanjuntak (, Tison Sembiring (,
Biro Pembinaan Anggota: Rizal Syam, SE (, Lukman Syafaruddin Harun (, Roni Zulardi (, Tengku Syahdan (
Biro Pengembangan Organisasi: Masri Effendi Siregar, SPd (, Ridwan Naibaho (, Soni Muhammad Nur (, Asroel Haroen Lubis (
Biro Hubungan Antar Lembaga: Jalaluddin Lase (, Selamat Purba (, Aswani Hafit (, Roy Anggit Wilson (
Are sloth bears related to sloths?
Contrary to their name, sloth bears and sloths are not closely related, and both belong to entirely different taxonomic orders and families with unique evolutionary histories. For example, sloth bears belong to the order Carnivora, which includes mammals such as dogs, cats, seals, and bears. Within this order, they are also under Ursidae or Bear family.
The name “sloth bear” comes from the bear’s slow-moving behavior and long claws, like a sloth, which led early zoologists and taxonomists to draw parallels between them. However, this similarity is due to convergent evolution, where unrelated species independently develop similar traits in response to similar environments.
Despite these surface resemblances, sloth bears and sloths are genetically and taxonomically distant as well as having strikingly different evolutionary paths.
Sloths, unlike sloth bears, belong to the order Pilosa, sharing it with anteaters and armadillos. Over millions of years, sloths have adapted to a slow-paced arboreal lifestyle, developing features like long arms, curved claws, and a slow metabolism to thrive in treetop habitats where they perform various activities, including eating, sleeping, mating, and giving birth.
Bisa Memutar Kepala 270 Derajat
Sloth berjari tiga memiliki keunikan dibandingkan dengan sloth berjari dua. Sloth spesies ini memiliki tulang leher tambahan yang memungkinkan mereka memutar kepalanya hampir seluruhnya atau sekitar 270 derajat.
Reconstruction of Harlan's Ground Sloth
Harlan's ground sloth is reconstructed as looking quite similar to Jefferson's, but was a grazing form. This reconstruction of a Harlan's ground sloth is in the museum at Mastodon State Historic Site near Kimmswick, Missouri. The Historic Site is located at the Kimmswick Site. This archaeological site is one of the most intriguing sites known dating from the time of the Clovis people.
Evidence found at the Kimmswick Site has been used by some researchers to suggest that the Clovis People may have used the hides of the Harlan's ground sloth (Graham and Kay, 1988).
Ground sloths were large relatives of the modern two-toed sloths (Choloepus spp.) and three-toed sloths (Bradypus spp.). Unlike modern sloths, which spend most of their time in trees, the ground sloths spent all of their time on the ground. This is fortunate because Jefferson's and Harlan's ground sloth were each about the size of an ox.
Conservation Status of Sloths and Sloth Bears
IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Under their Red List of Threatened Species, sloth bears are listed as vulnerable as of 2016 during their last assessment. Their population is decreasing, with an estimated of fewer than 20,000 individuals spread across the Indian subcontinent.
Some sloth species are in a similar situation; IUCN has the Maned Sloth listed as vulnerable with the population decreasing. Pygmy Sloths are listed as critically endangered, with a population size of around 2,000-2,500 individuals.
The Brown-Throated Sloth is listed as Least Concern, though there is evidence indicating the population is decreasing as well; for this reason, it is urgent to determine the species’ population trends.
Where do Sloth Bears Live?
Sloth Bears thrive in the Indian subcontinent’s diverse environments like dry forests, grasslands, wet forests, and mountains. They favor rocky outcrops and caves for daytime shelter. The tropical climate in these regions is marked by high temperatures and substantial rainfall, fostering a biodiverse environment.
Sloths, on the other hand, are found in the rainforests of Central and South America. Preferring a life high up in the trees where they hang using their strong claws. Sloths consider the forest canopy their primary home. They flourish in humid environments and rely on a diverse array of leaves as their main source of food.
Surprisingly, both sloth bears and sloths typically lead solitary lives. Sloth bears may be spotted in groups during times of abundant resources, and occasionally, groups of female sloths share the same tree.
Berikut fakta lain dari sloth dirangkum dari berbagai sumber:
What can we do to protect both species?
These extraordinary creatures’ continued existence hinges significantly on our actions today. This involves adopting more sustainable farming practices and endorsing conservation initiatives that safeguard the natural habitats of these animals from further degradation.
You can support organizations working with this species, like Wildlife SOS, founded in 1995; it has a strong track record in India for rescuing wildlife in distress, including sloth bears, elephants, leopards, and others. Free the Bears is an organization that works to rescue and rehabilitate bears in various Asian countries.
Four species of ground sloths inhabited the United States at the end of the last Ice Age. These were Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii), Laurillard's ground sloth (Eremotherium laurillardi), the Shasta ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastensis), and Harlan's ground sloth (Glossotherium harlani). Of these four only two, Jefferson's and Harlan's ground sloths, are found in the midwestern U.S.
Ground sloths were large relatives of the modern two-toed sloths (Choloepus spp.) and three-toed sloths (Bradypus spp.). Unlike modern sloths, which spend most of their time in trees, the ground sloths spent all of their time on the ground. This is fortunate because Jefferson's and Harlan's ground sloth were each about the size of an oxen.
All four species of ground sloth had very large claws. However, all were herbivores. They had relatively small, blunt teeth, which they probably used for browsing on trees and shrubs. The shape of their hip bones indicates that they could stand up on their hind legs. This would allow them to reach high up into trees for the best leaves and twigs.
The picture above shows a reconstruction of Jefferson's ground sloth from the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History.
Prakiraan Tujuh Hari kedepan
Prakiraan gelombang satu minggu ke depan merupakan informasi prakiraan gelombang berlaku hingga 7 hari kedepan yang memuat prakiraan tinggi gelombang dan potensi hujan lebat disertai petir. Prakiraan gelombang satu minggu ke depan mencakup prakiraan gelombang per hari, khusus untuk prakiraan hari pertama hingga hari ketiga ditambahkan prakiraan potensi hujan lebat disertai kilat / petir di wilayah perairan Indonesia.
Finally, sloth bears! We seized the opportunity to compare sloths and sloth bears to clarify the confusion surrounding their common names and delve into their lifestyles, the threats they face, and ways we can help in their conservation!
Metabolisme Rendah
Sloth bisa mencerna makanannya yang hanya sehelai daun selama 30 hari. Sloth memiliki tingkat metabolisme yang lemah dibandingkan mamalia lainnya. Perut yang terdapat empat bilik sudah penuh secara permanen, yang bahkan bisa mencapai 30 persen massa tubuh mereka.